Steve Grad of Beckett Authentication screws up again. He adds his signature to another worthless C.O.A.
in this case he signed his name on behalf of the Beckett Authentication "Experts." As always, one will never know who made the decision on the team that decided the autograph was not genuine. The reasons they claim were the deciding factor are the exact same reasons why a person would clim was wrong on a flat piece of paper or in a book.
However, this is about a signature of Jimmy Carter on a golf ball.
Matter of fact, this is an in person signature signed by Jimmy Carter in my presence.
SEE Grad's turn down letter below.

It is believed that the only reason this signature of Jimmy Carter was turned down is because it originated from a dealer on BECKETT'S BLACK LIST. We are aware of sellers of autographs that are placed on authentiicating companies black lists from a whistle blower who still works for one of the high profile authenticating companies.
I am also aware of other dealers, sellers of autographs and auction houses that are experiencing the same mafia type tactics. Many of them are household names in tha autograph industry. I am aware of at least two auction houses that I would call "threatened" by authenticating companies becaue the auction house refuses to have their items authenticated in advance of the auction catalog. THEY ARE TOLD IF YOU DON'T USE ABC TYPE AUTHENTICTING SERVICE, ANY ITEMS SUBMITTED FROM YOUR AUCTION WILL BE TURNED DOWN.
Proof of such, simply read the following email from a well known and established autograph auction house to Steve Grad of Beckett.

Another major autograph auction house in Florida experienced the same.
You cannnot imagine how many turndown COA's exist that unfortunate collectors paid for and now believe they are stuck with a bad autograph. How corrupt are these authenticating services?
For reasons of so many mis-authenticaed COA's one dealer placed ads in a high profile sports magazine. SEE BELOW-

The response to the above ad was phenominal. Collectors who though they had an autograph that was not authentic was able to sell their now unwanted items.
What has helped avoid the problem of mis-authenticated autographs is that 70 PLUS members of PADAH (Preferred Autograph Dealers and Aution Houses) do not have to refund for an autograph that was mis-authenticated by one of the high profile companies who "claim" to authenticate autographs. Some of these so-called authenticating companies can charge you $500 and upward to look at your autograph. Try finding out who at the authenticating company made the mistake. That's impossible. They can tell you they can't give you their name for the authenticators own protection. In a recent case, they claim the reference number for the authentication doesn't exist.
Having your items authenticated by high profile authenticating companies, do so at your own risk and peril.
You can avoid this insanity by purchasing from a legitimate professional autograph dealer and auction house. Always remember, a sales receipt, filled out properly is your only legal guarantee.