

                                                                          THE OFFICIAL LIST

                             of Preferred Autograph Dealers and Auction Houses



                                                                                                                December 2024


 In the international world of collecting autographs, PADAH is unique.  Its goal is to ensure collectors of autographs and signed books have a place to go to acquire genuine autographs. The members of PADAH are the true professionals in the business. It would be a very rare experience that any collector would have an unpleasant situation dealing with one of its members.  PADAH is free of corruption and politics!  There is no money involved in PADAH, no collection of membership dues and no hiding of yearly accounting reports. PADAH is operated by a handful of volunteers. Membership is FREE.

                                For more information about being a member email:  skoschal@aol.com

Should a collector have an unpleasant encounter with a seller outside of the PADAH family, we cannot help you get a refund. However, we may be able to give you guidance through our COA Reference Library where records are maintained of those who sell forgeries on a regular basis and listings of the many sellers who have been removed from other autograph organizations.

Most importantly, many collectors and most dealers are aware of the thousands of serious mistakes made by those companies who claim they can authenticate autographs.  Should any collector purchase an autographed item from a member of PADAH and is ignorant enough to waste money on having the item authenticated by the ABC type authenticating companies, PADAH professionals are NOT required to issue a refund.  A guess or an opinion from one of those companies is basically useless. In almost all cases the collector will not know who examined their autograph and will be unable to find out who did so when contacting the company. In most cases it really does not matter.  The bill of sale from a PADAH member is a collectors only legal document.  Before purchasing any autograph,  look at the updated monthly list of PADAH members  on www.theautographplanet.com or just look for the PADAH logo on the dealers web site.


 There are dealers who may have been inadvertently left off the list.  May we hear from you for possible submission?


The following professional autograph dealers, auction houses and book dealers who offer signed books do their diligence authenticating the autographs they sell.  They will honor their guarantee of authenticity.




 Notice: We regret that the membership in PADAH for Historic Autographs – Coral Springs, Florida- Howard Storer has been permanently revoked.




We are pleased to announce the addition of a new member to PADAH. Long time professional autograph dealer Howard Zerwitz of American Historical Guild. His company is added to the list below. His specialty is quality historical Autographs.




Abraham Lincoln Bookshop – Dan Weinberg, Chicago, IL    Lincoln@aol.com

Adam Andrusier – London, UK    adam@andrusierautographs.com

Alexander Historical Auctions – Chesapeake City, MD  Bill Panagopulous                        


American Historical Guild – Manorville, N.Y. Howard Zerwitz  ahguild@aol.com

Andreas Wiemer Historical Autographs - Kelkheim Germany,


Antiquar & Auktionator - Holland

Artifactcloud.com -  Weil der Stadt, Germany,  Florian Noller   contact@artifactcloud.com

Bauman Rare Books - N.Y., N.Y.    brb@baumanrarebooks.com

B&B Rare Books, Ltd.-N.Y., N.Y.  Joshua Mann  josh@bbrarebooks.com

Brian & Maria Green, Inc.- Kernersville, NC     bmgcivlwar@triad.rr.com

Bruce Gimelson Autographs – Garrison, N.Y.    bgimelson@aol.com

Burkhard Schubert –  Niedernwohren, Germany  info@autogrammwelt.de

ceautographs@aol.com – Gary Brucato  Queens, N.Y.

Charles “Chuck” Bird – Escondido, CA    ckbird@gmail.com

Cowan’s Auctions – Cincinnati, OH.  Danielle Linn    info@cowans.com

Custodians of History – Plymouth, MA    Peter Forman    peter@custodiansofhistory.com

Deco Memorabilia – Beverly Hills, CA   Nelson Deedle

Diana J. Rendell, Inc. -Waban, MA   dianajrendell@aol.com

Erasmushaus Ltd. – Basel, Switzerland          hdb@erasmushaus.ch

Frameabilia -Alexandria, VA   Rick Badwey   rick@frameabilia.com

Gerard A.J. Stodolski, Inc. – Bedford, NH   mail@gajs.com

Greg Nazareth – Pompano Beach, FL

Greg Tucker Autographs – Henderson, NV   grgtucker@aol.com

Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. – Chicago, IL       info@hjbltd.com

Historama – Jerusalem, Israel      Martin Teller   inquiries@historama.com

History Makers Autographs - Nokomis, FL   Steve Nowlin                                                 info@historymakersautographs.com

International Autograph Auctions, Europe SL - Malaga, Spain  info@autografosubastas.es

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles – Los Angeles, CA    info@goldbergcoins.com

Jack Bacon & Co. – Reno, NV   jb@jackbacon.com

J.A. Stargard -  Berlin, Germany          info@stargardt.de

JG Autographs – Peabody, MA   Jared Gendron

Jim Stinson Sports – St.  George, UT

John K. King Books – Detroit, MI   info@rarebooklink.com

JR’s Autogramme – Nurenberg, Germany Jorg Riess    riess@jrautogramme.de

Julian Browning -  London, UK      julian@jbautographs.com

Kenneth W, Rendell, Inc. -South Natick, MA    kwrll@kwrendell.com

Kotte Autographs -  Rosshaupten, Germany  Thomas Kotte   info@kotte-autographs.com

L’Autographe SA – Geneva, Switzerland   Renato Saggiori  informations@l’autographie.com

LeLands Auctions – Matawan, NJ    Joshua Evans  contact@lelands.com

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers – Chicago, IL      support@hindmanauctions.com

Librairie Signatures – Paris, France

Lim Antigua –Lucca, Italy      Massimo Fino      limantiqua@limantiqua.it

Markus Brandes Autographs – Kesswil, Switzerland   shop@brandesautographs.com

Neale Lanigan -  South Piedmont, AL

One of a Kind Auctions – Coral Gables, FL   David Gindy    david@oakauctions.com

Pat Claren – Colorado Springs, CO     patclaren@gmail.com

PhP Autographs –  Auderghem, Belgium - Philippe Petit – phpautog@scarlet.be

Profiles in History – Calabasas, CA    Joe Maddallena   info@profilesinhistory.com

Regan’s Autographs – Westbury, N.Y.  Ray Regan -  regan1959@gmail.com

R.J.M. Autographs & Antiques – Boston, MA   Bob Minnocci   bminnocci@aol.com

Rolf Ramseier Autographs – Guntershausen, Switzerland     info@rrautographs.com

Ron Gordon – Las Cruuces, NM    rgordon@zianet.com

Ron Keurajian – Rochester Hills, MI

Ron Meininger Antebellum Cove – Gaithersburg, MD   antebellumcovers.com

Schubertide Music & Arts – Newton, MA    Gabriel Boyers    schubertidemusic@gmail.com

Scripta Historica – Kleindstheim, Germany    Robert Fecher   scriptahistorica@gmx.de 

Scripta Scientism - Germany

Schulson Autographs – Milburn, NJ     Claudia Strauss   info@schulsonautographs.com

Second Story Books – Washington, DC   Allan Stypeck    research@secondstorybooks.com

Seth Kaller, Inc. – White[O1]  Plains, NY        info@sethkaller.com

Skip Hensel – Metarie, LA

Sophie Duprie Autographs – Calne, UK     sophie@sophieduprieautographs.com 

Sportsintegrity.com LLC – Joe Coppola - joe@sportsintegrity.com 

* Star Shots -  Port Charlotte, FL    Arnie Meyrowitz      starshots@centurylink.net

Stephen Koschal -  Colorado Springs, CO     skoschal@aol.com

Tamino Autographs - N.Y., NY     Nestor Masckauchan    info@taminoautographs.com

The Bull Pen – N.Y., N.Y.  info@the-bullpen.com

The Raab Collection – Ardmore, PA      Nathan Raab     questions@raabcollection.com            * * The Written Word – Tamworth, NH      Dan Rowe    writword@gmail.com

Thomas A. Goldwasser Rare Books – San Francisco, CA    mail@goldwasserbooks.com

Todd Mueller Autograph Auctions – ColoradoSprings, CO


Tom Lingenfelter Heritage Collector’s Society – Doylestown,  PA.   tom@heritagecs.com

Treasures in Writing – Keystone Heights,  FL    Lynne Keyes                              


Vintagememorabilia – Bremerton, WA  Gary McAvoy  vmail@vintagememorabilia com


Whytes – Dublin, Ireland  Ian Whyte, info@whytes.ie



 * Deceased

You and your fellow members of PADAH deserve a big round of applause for bringing integrity and honesty to this field of collecting.    Jim D, N.C.

Steve, it seems everything you touch turns to gold. This list is precious, no need to go anywhere else. A safe place to purchase autographs.    Mike J.  Iowa

Steve, the last four things I bought you authenticated them as not genuine. I learned my lesson and will only purchase from members of PADAH.”  Mark L, Florida

Mr. K. "....as a past member of the U.A.C.C., PADAH is like night and day, I really appreciate the PADAH list of professionals, I have vowed to only purchase from their members and as of today have had no problems. Finally a breathe of fresh air..." Carol P. GA

Steve, "using your authentication service is heavenly. Tired of paying up to $150.00 using others in the past and finding out their opinion is wrong is disheartening. I really appreciate you flat rate no mater what the value of the autograph.'  Julius, Amsterdam


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  • This list is huge! I almost bought a Paul Revere document from University Archives for $20,000. I noticed they weren't part of PADAH so I was concerned. I asked an expert listed on PADAH regarding this Paul Revere document and was quickly told it was Paul Revere Jr, not the American founding father and it isn't even worth 1/20th of the asking price. I also learned Charles Hamilton sold it as the son's autograph for $300 in 1974. Now Hamilton's letter is missing, the autograph has become the father once in John Reznikoff's hands. Stick to this list! or you could lose tons!
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