Herman Darvick during the 1990's flooded the market with with knowingly or un-knowingly forged items signed by the popular artist Salvador Dali. Most items were high quality prints extracted from copies of books authored by Dali Many of these type items were sold at UACC shows in New York by a Connecticut seller of autographs..
Thirty years later these Dali prints are still being offered on a regular basis on ebay, and come with a COA from Herman Darvick.
I knew Salvador Dali quite well. For several years, I spent much time with him when he spent part of the year in his New York City apartment. We spent many times in this apartment having private signings and walking the streets of New York, especially Times Square where many of the stores that sold collectible imports would have claimed limited edition Dali lithographs. Actually they were imitation works of art painted by art students. Dali would bang on the windows with his cane screaming "this is not my work."
I got to know Dali's signature on his best and worst days. Many limited edition Dali prints ended up in auctions on most cruise vessels. I discovered that all the signatures of Dali on these prints were forgeries. Even after seeing so many of them on the dfferent ships, all signatures of Dali were almost identical, all signed by the same hand. After notifying the FBI amazingly these prints were removed from the auctions. No matter which cruise vessel company you were on, all of the Dali prints were signed by the same person. Not one was personally signed by the artist.
My last few trips on cruise lines, I could not find an example of Dali being offered on their auctions.
Just taking a peak on eBay this week I found two Dali forgeries each coming with a COA from Herman Darvick.
